Career Profiles

Susan Barth

Susan Barth

Dipl. Psychologist - Flein/D

Susan Barth has successfully completed the CAS cocreation Coach. We asked her three questions about further training.

What do you want to achieve with your cocreation coach certificate?

Susan Barth:

As a coach and organizational psychologist, training as a cocreation coach is one of the central parts of my work in helping organizations and managers to develop leadership and collaboration in a conscious and timely manner.

What does co-creation mean to you?

Susan Barth:

By thinking and creating together, we not only experience connection and meaning, but also the power of collective intelligence to overcome the challenges of this complex world. As this is a fundamental human characteristic, co-creation is a wonderful way to remember what makes us who we are and what we can master together.

What was one of the best moments during the training?

Susan Barth:

The moment in the first module when the group suddenly no longer consisted only of “learners”,
but connected and became a co-creative community in its own right, touched me deeply.

Thank you, Susan!

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