cocreation books

Do you want to understand in more detail what co-creation can do for you?

Read about it in our books.

Our books explain the "why", the "how" and the "what" of co-creation.

Explore the fascinating world of co-creation with our cocreation books, which showcase the diversity and
depth of this creative collaboration. Our cocreation books not only stimulate the
own creativity, but also provide practical guidance and case studies for groundbreaking
Team results. Experience not only the theory, but also successful applications of
Co-creation in different contexts. Prepare yourself to realize your creative potential.
and to explore innovative paths together with others.

Discover now and immerse yourself in the world of co-creation books!

Co-Creation. The power of collective thinking.

by Dr. Georg Michalik, illustrated by Katharina Busshoff

Co-creation is more than just a new term. Co-creation stands for a change in the way people think, feel and act in order to be able to perceive, decide and act together more effectively and efficiently. But co-creation is also an attitude: complex problems can only be solved sustainably with openness, trust and transparency. The book explains the co-creation process, which can be carried out in very different situations and time budgets, and describes the applicable formats such as Organizational Co-Creation, Daily Co-Creation, Virtual Co-Creation, Coaching Co-Creation and Leadership Co-Creation. Projects from consulting practice make it clear what you should pay attention to when introducing and implementing the co-creation process.

Language: German or English

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Co-Creation Learning

by Georg Michalik & Volker Schulte

The flipped classroom learning concept originally comes from school didactics. The “time-consuming” development phase is shifted from the classroom to the learner’s private (learning) area. The aim is to apply the knowledge acquired in preparation directly in the classroom and thus achieve greater learning success.

This book is the first to consider the learning concept for the further education sector and, with I-M-P-A-C-T, provides a concept for preparing the learning method for further education. The result is a reorganization of seminars in which participants work out the learning content independently in advance and then attend the actual seminar with their prior knowledge.

Language: German

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Co-Creation Mindset: Eight Steps towards the Future of Work

from Georg Michalik

Co-creation is a major trend in management, yet no one seems to truly know what it is. With numerous examples and a Q&A section, this book explains exactly what co-creation is and how it differs from other forms of collaboration.

To do so, it covers three main topics: innovation, trust and commitment. With regard to the first, co-creation creates a sense of psychological security by treating all participants as equals, the most important prerequisite for finding innovative solutions. In terms of trust, co-creation builds on individual strengths. People who believe in each other’s abilities trust each other. Lastly, co-creation allows people to arrive at win-win solutions, which is the foundation for taking personal ownership.

The book is intended for executives, HR and organizational managers, and those responsible for corporate transformation who want to implement co-creation in a very concrete way, as well as anyone interested in co-creation in general.

Language: English

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